About Us

Canterbury rescue

Founded in 1977, Canterbury Coastguard was started by group of volunteer and boat lovers. They wanted to provide support to fellow boaties an other recreational users of the Lyttelton Harbour and Canterbury coast.

Our 30 volunteer crew members are actively on the water at Lyttelton Harbour most weekends and public holiday, and are on call 24/7 to ensure you get home safely if you run into any problems on the water.


Need Help?

In the event of an Emergency, do a Mayday Call on VHF Channel 16 and call the Police on 111. Needing assistance but not in immediate danger? Call Coastguard Radio on VHF Channel 63 (in Canterbury) or call the Coastguard Canterbury Duty Officer on 03-328 8103. If you are not a Coastguard member there will be a fee for non-urgent assistance, to become a member just Click Here. Be Sure to check the support your Coastguard Unit and choose Coastguard Canterbury.

Memberships Cost only $115 Annually.